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CREATE-IE Workshop: A Collaborative Approach to Logistics Electrification

Plug In IE
August 22, 2023

On June 1, 2023, Plug In IE and researchers from the University of California, Riverside, held the CREATE-IE workshop at IBEW Local 440 in Riverside. This event continued the conversation on logistics electrification in the Inland Empire that we began at our December 2022 workshop, Plug In IE. A summary report [pdf] of the event is now available.

CREATE-IE, or Collaborative Research to Expand and Accelerate Transportation Electrification in the Inland Empire, complemented the earlier workshop with a closer look at environmental justice, policy frameworks, workforce development, and the development of charging infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty electric trucks.

CREATE-IE drew more than 50 participants from environmental justice, labor, and other community organizations; community colleges; public agencies; and the electric truck and charging infrastructure industry.

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