The State of Work: Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics in the Inland Empire February 2024
For more information and to view key report findings, click here.
EN ESPAÑOL: Informe destacado
- Full report (main text and appendices) (pdf, 9.3 MB)
- Main report text only (pdf, 6.6 MB)
- Appendices only (pdf, 4.1 MB)
- Full report — reduced file size (pdf, 2.2 MB)
Supplementary Materials
CREATE-IE Collaborative Research to Expand and Accelerate Transportation Electrification in the Inland Empire (2022-23)
CREATE-IE was a yearlong research initiative on transportation electrification in the Inland Empire's logistics industry led by engineering, social sciences, and humanities faculty at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) with the collaboration of Plug In IE. The initiative examined heavy-duty electric truck technology and infrastructure and related environmental, labor, land use, and community engagement issues. Two workshops were held as part of the initiative; see below for more information.
UCR CREATE-IE faculty research team: Matthew Barth, Kanok Boriboonsomsin, Marissa Brookes, Juliann Emmons Allison, Catherine Gudis, Arun Raju, Ellen Reese
Workshop I: Plug In IE, December 9, 2022
Plug In IE was a discussion-driven workshop that brought together about 50 representatives from environmental justice, labor, and other community organizations; community colleges; the logistics industry; and state regulatory agencies. Discussions focused on participants' vision for a sustainable logistics industry in the Inland Empire.
Event report (pdf)
Workshop II: CREATE-IE, June 1, 2023
CREATE-IE, designed as a follow-up to Plug In IE, focused on industry and infrastructure perspectives on the electrification of logistics.
Event report (pdf)